The Idea

My thoughts, opinions, experiences, and general dissertation on my quest for fitness (and keeping fit). I'll post on exercise, food, martial arts, body image, presence and personality, men's fashion, and occasionally something completely "off topic", just for fun.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday

Today (August 28), a very dear and special friend is having a birthday; since her fitness quest (and transformation in other areas) was a lot of the inspiration for this blog, I thought it was appropriate to post a little tribute.

I was inspired by the lyrics to the song "For Good", from the musical "Wicked". In the play, this song has a completely different context (it's actually a conversation between two sisters), but listening to the song again, I felt some of the verses spoke directly to the core of our very unique and cherished friendship:

"I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return......

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good.

.....You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
You have re-written mine
By being my friend.

Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better.

And because I knew you.....

Because I knew you

Because I knew you,
I have been changed for good."

Happy birthday, Tina.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reese and Carter

Just for fun-a series of clips from "Person Of Interest", our current favorite show. Detective Carter is a "girl after my own heart" - gotta love a lady with a case full of guns in her car trunk. Seriously, Reese and Carter are interesting characters-two warriors of a different stripe, learning to trust one another.

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

I was determined to practice a little Qui Gong standing meditation earlier today. Just when my mind was "emptying", nature filled it back up with a series of small earthquakes and aftershocks. I did open my eyes, but kept my breathing steady. :-)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

You're Not As Hungry As You Think You Are

This may seem like a no-brainer to a lot of people, but I think it's an example of one of those things that you comprehend intellectually, but don't always "get" emotionally, at least not right off the bat.

I feel like I'm finally tuned in to how much food I really need, and what it really feels like to be full. I've basically been having one large meal a day (typically lunch, or a large breakfast on the weekends), with a protein drink or maybe a small amount of other food at the other two meals. I used to pack 2 snacks a day, but I'm finding that I rarely am hungry in the afternoons anymore. I can usually wait until dinner time to eat.

Where I really used to fall down with this was eating out. Restaurants typically serve much larger portions than you need, and for a long time, I felt somewhat obligated to try and eat everything on my plate at a restaurant. To make a bad pun, this was a recipe for trouble. My logic went something like this:

I paid for it.
It's a sin to waste food.

Well, OK, but looking at it differently, I've come to a new perspective on this-

You don't just pay for the food when you eat out-you pay for the convenience and service of someone preparing and serving it to you. That doesn't necessarily obligate you to eat everything in front of you. If the restaurant is a special place, you're also paying for the ambiance/atmosphere in some cases. If you're eating with a loved one or friend, you're paying for service which facilitates your time together; you can relax and enjoy each other's company while someone else cooks and serves.

You aren't the one wasting the food-the restaurant is choosing to offer food in what I've seen described as "industrial" quantities. Just because they choose to give you that much doesn't obligate you to eat all if it. If I can order a smaller portion, by all means I'll do it, but otherwise I feel like I can now order whatever I choose in a restaurant, and fully enjoy as much (or as little) of it as I like without guilt over wasting food, etc.

This feels very liberating.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Qui Gong in the Steam Bath

It was exremely hot and muggy yesterday in El Cajon and Santee. My 1:00 class was held inside (the last thing you want to do in mid-90s heat and humidity is stand outside in a black uniform), but it was still pretty steamy inside, since the A/C doesn't work all that well, and the fans couldn't quite move enough air.

Standing meditation is even more of a challenge when sweat is rolling down your forehead, and your eyes are closed. I could even feel sweat between my fingers. I know we're supposed to become aware of our body and how we're feeling during this exercise-the weather was really forcing me to pay attention.

I continue to be amazed at how effective a lower body workout this all is. Thursday night, we worked primarily on footwork and structure, where the instructor actually leaned all his weight against us and tried to move us. Didn't realize how hard I'd worked until I started settling down into meditation yesterday, and my quads started to tremble. Had to shift several times to stay comfortable and relieve the discomfort.

Won't be spending much time on leg presses at the gym if I keep this up.....

Friday, August 10, 2012


Given that a) my mother-in-law is in poor health and could pass any time; and b) elementary school teachers have far less flexibility than us working folks when it comes to personal phone calls/e-mails/texting while at work, getting a phone call at the office from my wife is always cause for concern.

Imagine my surprise when she called me this morning, and said, "If you hear anything on the news about a school lockdown, it IS our school, and I'm OK. It actually happened before school started so a lot of her kids weren't there yet, so she took the little ones she had in class into the center classroom in her building (away from all the windows), and had everybody practice "dark and quiet."

I had a full morning of meetings and other tasks, so had limited time to check the news. I ran up to our office manager's desk and explained what was happening, and asked her to check online for any news. No sooner had I gotten that out than Carol called again and told me the lockdown was over and things were getting back to normal.

We still don't know what caused it (whatever it was apparently didn't make the news), but I was left very grateful for my wife's safety, and for good cell service to keep in contact during emergencies. What a helpless feeling knowing someone you love could be in danger at that moment. I was fully prepared to leave work if I thought it was necessary, but still don't know exactly what I would have done.

Grateful to God for his protection. I hope the affluent, somewhat entitled parents of Thurgood Marshall Elementary "get" that my wife and most, if not all of her colleagues, would take a bullet for any of their children if it came down to the worst.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1


Sunday at the Gym

My wife had suggested that on weekends, I walk over to the gym and back, to get a little extra workout in. Total distance there and back is about 1-1/2 miles, so it's not a bad little stroll. I tried it and it was great! Gotta go early in the morning though-as hot as it's been lately, the walk home can get pretty warm and sweaty.

I'm Just Sayin'

Saturday I had a great walk along the river front, and made one circuit around Mast Park. One of the people running in the park was a young lady of around 30-35. She had the slim build of an avid runner. I noticed that she was wearing a brace on both knees. That got me thinking-if you need a brace on both knees, could that be your body telling you that maybe it's time to take up another activity besides running (on a concrete sidewalk no less)?