The Idea

My thoughts, opinions, experiences, and general dissertation on my quest for fitness (and keeping fit). I'll post on exercise, food, martial arts, body image, presence and personality, men's fashion, and occasionally something completely "off topic", just for fun.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Dragon Cup

I brought this over from my FB page; my thoughts/impressions of our tournament in May.

May 6, 2013

Some impressions/moments/random thoughts from Saturday's Dragon Cup tournament-

I think the tournament experience taught me more about my practice and preparation than about what to do at the actual event. I can definitely make some changes in my solo practice that will help improve future performances.

Watching a lot of others perform reinforced my belief that it's more important to me to really master something than it is to advance quickly through the ranks. It's not so much about the next stripe or sash, even though they represent significant milestones.

It was hot in there! Will definitely wait longer next time to get into that 80 % polyester shirt.

Will definitely bring all my own food next year.

I enjoyed being there all day and taking in the whole experience, but will probably come a bit later next year and seek out a bit more quiet time before going onto the floor.

I'm happy for all of my classmates who won medals, but especially for my classmates Ms. Cabrera and Mr. Truong - I know those two worked especially hard. And we can't forget Miss Truong (aka "Little T") who was just as excited about her brother's medal as her own.

As usual I was impressed by Ms. Cabrera's display of what Sir John Keegan called "The Will To Combat" - she battled through a lot of pain and effort and prevailed.

Next year-Push Hands! And one of these days a weapon form too.

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