The Idea

My thoughts, opinions, experiences, and general dissertation on my quest for fitness (and keeping fit). I'll post on exercise, food, martial arts, body image, presence and personality, men's fashion, and occasionally something completely "off topic", just for fun.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dragon Cup 2014

Originally posted on FB May 6, 2014-


Over the last couple of days, I've really enjoyed all of the online photo sharing, commenting, and general bantering about the fun and adventures everybody had at Saturday's Dragon Cup. Now, I'd like to put down some more serious thoughts and recollections.

First, I'm really pleased overall with how well I was able to follow my plan in prepping for the tournament and for tournament day itself. I was comfortable, well rested and hydrated, and didn't feel stressed. An improvement over last year. Looking ahead, I'll do more warm up exercise than I did this year, but overall it was a positive.

Whoever said, "80% of success is showing up" could have been talking about my Push Hands experience. As one of only 3 competitors in my division I was basically guaranteed a medal-but I didn't know that until I showed up and competed. I originally thought, "that's cool-it will help our school standing" when I received my medal, but as the weekend went on, something became more and more clear to me:

I may not have defeated anyone in the ring, but by showing up and competing, I realized I had prevailed over a number of things , including minor injuries, an 18 hour work/travel day on Monday, and my own doubts about competing in Push Hands. I will keep the medal.

I'm proud of my school's turnout-hope to see even more of my El Cajon brothers and sisters out on the floor next year. I also continue to be impressed with all of the hard work from the judges-hope I remembered to thank them at each of my events.

While I didn't medal in each event per my original goals, I did have a big "win" in that I was able to stay calm and project confidence when I stepped into the ring. I'm proud of that.

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